Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wedding Day Natural Inspirations

Wedding Day Natural Inspirations
While most brides are first concerned with finding the right venue, dress and food. This bride to be is concerned with her HAIR. Here are a few of my inspirations, which is your favorite?..... Enjoy!





Thursday, July 17, 2014

Living What Once was a Dream

My name is Mary, the creator of Mary's All Natural. I have been natural for over eight years, and I have done a big chop four times in  eight years. The MISSION behind my product is very simple, I wanted to provide a product that is very effective in nourishing my nautral hair (no sulfate, chemicals, and parabens). A product that has simple ingredients anyone can readily identify.
Mary's All Natural started as a dream. Like most naturals I have invested so much money into products that claim one thing and do nothing even close to the original claim. Or products that boast being "natural" meanwhile having an ingredient list I cannot even pronounce and require a chemist to explain. So after plenty of research on natural hair, natural products, organic products and most importantly product formulas I was proud to announce the birth of Mary's All Natural. My products were first shared with fellow naturals, then transitioning textures, and even relaxed textures.
The products were a hit! so, the next logical step for me was to bring my product to the rest of you! please enjoy a labor of LOVE ...

Here a few pictures from my hair journey... ENJOY!
Jamaica, March 2007
Florida, November 2008
 March 2009
 November 2010

 December 2010 July  2011

This picture was taken at Longwood Gardens where I was an intern for 1 year ( May 2011- May 2012). This picture shows growth from my second big chop.

This picture is the beginning of my third big chop, which was on November 2012.

My first flyer! This was a big day for me because I felt like my dream was finally my reality. This flyer made me feel official.

These beauties are my ALL NATURAL line-up.
Mary's All Natural is currently available of

Products Description
Let me just start by saying thank you for stopping by. My product line strictly focus on SHAMPOO not because I am against conditioner. I focus on shampoo because it is the foundation of any great hair care regiment. Shampoo sets the tone for anything that follows. I personally have been using my products since day 1 and have been challenging myself not to condition. It has been several months since conditioner last touched my hair. My product focuses on nourishing the hair without stripping it of its own natural oils.

Coconut Lavender Shampoo
Lavender is great for the mind, but it’s also beneficial for a healthy scalp and hair growth.  Because lavender oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, it is helpful for maintaining a health scalp.  Lavender can be used to treat dandruff and psoriasis of the scalp.  By keeping these scalp conditions away, your scalp is able to be rejuvenated.   Lavender oil also enhances blood circulation, which will definitely improve the health of your scalp.  And what comes out of a healthy scalp? Healthy hair!

Coconut Oil Shampoo
Coconut oil stimulates hair growth getting deep into its follicles. Promotes the scalp health fighting against such problems as insect bites, lice and dandruff. Coconut oil moisturizes dry hair, adds luster, shine and softness to the hair. Coconut oil prevents hair breakage and split ends, contributing to hair length, and slows down hair loss.

Baby Curl Shampoo
Has all the benefits of the coconut oil formula, but it is a much milder conditioning shampoo for baby’s new roots and scalp.